I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me

Did you know that there is a natural way to get rid of glasses and fix poor or declining vision? I used to wear glasses, and my mom learned about a natural method of fixing eyesight that she told me and my sister about. I was immediately excited about the idea, so I decided to begin restoring my vision.

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My Thankful List

God shows us His goodness and love every single day. He could decide to just give us the bare essentials: food, water, warmth, and shelter. But instead, He chooses to show us His love through giving us extra things too; things that aren’t really necessary, but that bring us joy each and every day.

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Exciting Writing Update!!!

I AM SO HAPPY THIS WEEK!!!! I finally finished writing the first draft of Friend of the Wolves!!!!

I’ve been working on it for a few months now, and it is finally complete! The current word count is 10,171, but by the end of editing, it will probably end up being closer to 18,000 words. It may not be a huge word count, but it is still a big accomplishment for me because it is my first completed writing project ever!

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