The Importance of Bible Reading (a guest post by Essie Mae)

Hello! Today I am doing my first guest post with Essie Mae!! I wrote an article for her blog, Walk By Faith, and can see that post here.

This article Essie wrote is about the importance of Bible reading, and she included some helpful tips to get excited about reading the Scriptures consistently! So let’s dive in!

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My Thankful List

God shows us His goodness and love every single day. He could decide to just give us the bare essentials: food, water, warmth, and shelter. But instead, He chooses to show us His love through giving us extra things too; things that aren’t really necessary, but that bring us joy each and every day.

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1 John 1:9

If we confess out sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Good morning, readers! Today I’d like to give talk about forgiveness. Forgiveness is being able to forget about a past incident that has hurt you and moving on. Forgiveness isn’t only important with forgiving others, but also forgiving ourselves. Want to dive in to today’s article? Let’s go!

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